Packaging Art

I have a somewhat unique way of packaging my art work and my Etsy products. The most important thing about shipping art, is making sure it arrives without damage. Most of the pieces I ship are paper based, which can easily get bent or wrinkled or folded in transit. The way that I prevent this is with recycled cereal boxes.

Birth of the idea:

The use of cereal boxes came about from two characteristics.
1. I am ALWAYS going through cereal. It is my breakfast, my dinners, my snack, my comfort food. So I have an abundance of this cardboard.
2. I donā€™t like the idea of wasting. I love re-purposing and reusing when possible.



  1. Empty cardboard cereal boxes or cardboard sheets
  2. Washi TapeĀ 
  3. X-Acto knife or box cutter
  4. Craft Cutting Board
  5. Ruler (preferably metal)
  6. Scissors
  7. String, Twine, or hemp

*Need any of these supplies? Click the item name to find what you need!


Step One

Open up cereal box along the side seam so that is spreads flat. On the “face” of the box, measure to size needed.

I typically cut 5.5 x 8.5″ and 8.5 x 11.5″ sizes depending on the size of my drawing or photograph. Give an inch or more of extra space surrounding the piece.

You will want to keep the cardboard pages in pairs, to create a folder.


Step Two

Take your matching pair of cereal box pages and face the printed sides toward each other. Plain brown cardboard should be all you see on either side.

Line these up and attach the two with a binder clip.

Take the Washi Tape and cut to match the length of the soon-to-be folder. Tape one seam shut, half on the top side and half on the bottom side.

Remove binder clip, open the folder flat, tape the inside seem with another piece of Washi tape cut to size.



Step Three

Insert art work, with a cover sheet if needed. For my greeting cards, I will put the cards into white paper bags sealed with a ribbon or in a clear plastic sleeve.

Tie the folder closed with twine or ribbon for added character.

Slide the ready folder into a manila envelope and seal well with packaging tape for shipping.

*Disclosure: Some affiliate links are included; which means I may earn a small commission should you click through and make a purchase. I appreciate your support!

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